Estate Planning Goals Checklist

What do you hope to accomplish through your estate plan?

▢ Ensure distribution of my assets to my intended beneficiaries
▢ Ensure funds are available for the support of my young children or grandchildren
▢ Designate a “Guardian” if I am unable to care for my minor children
▢ Provide for the education of my children or grandchildren
▢ Designate an Agent to assist with financial transactions if I am living, but incapacitated
▢ Choose my Agent to make medical and health decisions for me if I am unable to speak for myself
▢ Manage cash flow in retirement
▢ Minimize current income taxes
▢ Minimize future state, gift and generation-skipping taxes
▢ Transfer assets to my children during my lifetime
▢ Teach my children or grandchildren financial responsibility
▢ Create a personal legacy statement to reflect my values, beliefs, and desires
▢ Protect assets from possible creditors, divorce, or irresponsible beneficiaries
▢ Leave a personal legacy through charitable donations
▢ Other: ______________________________________